Machu Picchu fechada por uma “greve total” dos habitantes locais

Em Águas Calientes protesta-se porque os maiores dividendos do turismo vão para as grandes empresas, mas também em solidariedade com os protestos em todo o Peru.

A worker stands in the now closed and empty world famous ruins of Machu Picchu in Machu Picchu, Peru on Jan. 24. The world wonder which draws thousands of visitors a day and fuel the economy of the entire Cusco region have been indefinitely closed due to political unrest and protest gripping the South American nation. MUST CREDIT: photo by Michael Robinson Chávez.
As ruínas mundialmente famosas de Machu Picchu, Peru, agora fechadas e vazias Michael Robinson Chávez
Residents and demonstrators protesting the Peruvian government march through the main plaza of the town of Machu Picchu, Peru on Jan. 24. MUST CREDIT: Washington Post photo by Michael Robinson Chávez
Machu Picchu, que atrai milhares de visitantes por dia e alimenta a economia de toda a região, foi fechada indefinidamente devido à agitação política e protestos que atingem a nação sul-americana Michael Robinson Chávez
Residents and demonstrators protesting the Peruvian government sang the national anthem during a protest outside of the town of Machu Picchu, Peru on Jan. 24. MUST CREDIT: Washington Post photo by Michael Robinson Chávez.
Habitantes locais e manifestantes cantaram o hino nacional durante um protesto contra o governo peruano Michael Robinson Chávez
Residents and demonstrators protesting the Peruvian government carry symbolic cardboard coffins through the main plaza of the town of Machu Picchu, Peru on Jan. 24, 2023. MUST CREDIT: Washington Post photo by Michael Robinson Chávez
Durante os protestos, carregaram caixões de papelão simbólicos pela praça principal da cidade de Machu Picchu Michael Robinson Chávez
Residents and and regional leaders gathered for a town hall in a theater in the town of Machu Picchu, Peru on Jan. 23, 2023 The world famous ruins of Machu Picchu have been shut down in the midst of protests and unrest, a crippling blow to the region which relies on the tourism economy. Locals came and unanimously voted to continue their protests against President Dina Boluarte and what they see as an illegal power grab. MUST CREDIT: Photo by Michael Robinson Chávez
Reunidos num teatro local, a população votou unanimemente para continuar os protestos contra a presidente Dina Boluarte Michael Robinson Chávez
Train carriages sit idle at the railway station in the town of Machu Picchu, Peru on Jan. 23, 2023. The world famous Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, which are accessible only by foot or train, have been shut down in the midst of protests and unrest, a crippling blow to the region which relies on the tourism economy. MUST CREDIT: Washington Post photo by Michael Robinson Chávez
Carruagens de comboio paradas indefinidamente na estação ferroviária de Machu Picchu Michael Robinson Chávez

Se fosse um dia normal, milhares de turistas estariam a sair do comboio e a entrar nesta cidade pitoresca no alto dos Andes, a porta de entrada para as antigas ruínas incas de Machu Picchu.

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